Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Web Mastering Class -- Assignment 5

Chapters 3, 4, 5 and 6 in the book, The Non-Designer's Web Book, was enjoyable to read, especially since I do not have much web design experience.

Some of the concepts that I learned from reading these chapters include:
  • Background images -- they can enhance a web page but can also make the text difficult to read if you choose one that is "too busy."
  • Different kinds of links and how they are placed in web pages.
  • Guidelines for making e-mail links -- there are certain rules that apply to make it appropriate for an e-mail link.
  • Graphic files -- Depending on your web authoring software, the graphic files must be in your web site folder before you put it on the web page.
  • Organizing files is very important -- there are certain rules to follow regarding how you name files.
  • The importance of planning ahead. You need to know your target audience and what you want your web site to accomplish.
  • Differences between using print and the web. Using the web is beneficial especially when you have constant changes in your product information; however, sometimes the file size can play a role. Print is more portable, cheaper to read, and more familiar.
  • When designing web pages, do not center all the text. Turn borders off when appropriate. It is important to create a focal point.

So far this class has been a great learning experience for me because web design was one of the IT areas that I really did not have much knowledge. I guess you can't know everything about IT!!!

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